Saturday, January 21, 2006

I haven't died or anything

I know I haven't been the best poster in the world this week. I have just been busy with work and stuff around the house. I promise tomorrow there will be pics.

I have finished the queen bee hat, and finally found cheap bee buttons to put on it. I gave a pair of Sweet Mary Janes to a sweet lady I used to work with at the LPHS who found a better job.

I also will have a new free pattern for you all, cat beds that I am making for the LaPorte Co. Small Animal shelter. Those poor little cats will sleep in their litter boxes because the metal cages are so cold. :(

Today Sly worked a bit of overtime, and we did some shopping out on the Grape Jam (Grape Rd. in Mishawaka ALWAYS has a traffic jam). I found some yarn for 65 cents a skein. The best deal, however, was 37 Prismacolor markers for Sly at $26.

After our little shopping trip, we had dinner with Pedro (who offers his protection) and his wife. Sly and I brought a selections of chocolate cheesecake to share. Yum oh!

1 comment:

erin said...

I'm telling you, one day we're going to show up at your house with pantyhose on our heads, toting water pistols, to kidnap you and force you to "Take us to the deals."