Monday, July 12, 2010


Summer has been keeping me busy. I have been putting all local fresh fruits and veggies I can into jars to keep for the summer. I have really enjoyed the process of producing rather than consuming.

My mother canned; more out of necessity than any real desire to put things in jars. There were always pickles, jellies, veggies, soups, and even a salmon stored safely in a Ball glass jar until needed or wanted.

So far, I have four kinds of pickles, three jams, and I am putting up oranges that Sly bought while visiting his family in Florida.


Anonymous said...

They look so delicious. You're are a canning artiste! ♥ knitbunnie

SalemRose said...

They look so pretty! There's just something about jars that I love! You're so crafty!