Well, I applied for a job at the school I had been working at for several years. Some of you may remember when I got
this job. The pay was extremely low, and the work was difficult (mostly because I was given little to no instruction about how to do the job to begin with). I worked hard, learned a lot, and was successful. The main reason I took the job was to get my foot in the door, make a name for myself, and hopefully, get a good job.
So, I got my teaching license. There was an opening at the very school I had been working at. I had a letter of recommendation from the building principal. I had it all, good letters, excellent grades, and superior test scores. I thought I had done everything right, and that I would get the job I wanted. The student even like me.
There is no loyalty in education.
I was passed up for the job. While no one will admit it, I know that it is because of my graduate credits. I have had a BA for several years, but I couldn't get a teaching position last year because I didn't have a license. So, I got the license, but now I can't get a teaching position because I had to go to graduate school to get the license. In addition, I had dropped out of grad school (for an MA in English) several years ago. I am being turned down for being highly qualified and well educated. I am totally pissed about it too.
So, I am sad, depressed, and mad as hell. I am applying for other jobs, but very upset that I didn't get the one I SHOULD have gotten.
I'll post something happier about knitting latter this week. Knitting has been a great comfort to me.
Happy knitting!