Monday, June 07, 2010

Thinking about food

I am making the leap into growing food (my weekly garden updates are evidence of that). While I am enjoying my small garden, I have been putting more thought into where the food I buy comes from. Buying a can of organic corn in the supermarket that has been shipped from who knows where uses more fossil fuels and therefore harms the plant more than local food grown with non-organic practices. I am lucky enough that I am able to supplement what I can't produce in my backyard with locally produced foods, which is much better for the planet.

Local strawberries that I processed and made into the most delicious jam. While I didn't grown them myself, they came from less than 10 miles away.

All cut up and mixed with sugar and fresh squeezed lemon juice, it was hard to save them for the jam!

Dinner last night was so amazing, and so local! The salad and most of the veggies were from my garden. I baked the bread myself, and the eggs were from local, free-range chickens. Very tasty meal.

For dinner tonight, I took beans from my garden, some organic potatoes, and locally produced bacon and made this:

I won't embarrass your dinner by describing how fantastically good this meal was. I can't wait for breakfast tomorrow; more local bacon with free range local eggs, and homemade strawberry jam!

Happy knitting!

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